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Cheap vs. Expensive Website – Important Differences That Are Always Overlooked

Cheap vs. Expensive Website - Important Differences That Are Always Overlooked

Introduction: It’s no secret that having a good website is important for businesses. Whether you’re running a local flower shop or an international enterprise, you need to have a website if you want people to find you and buy from you. However, there are many factors that make up the cost of building a website: time, quality, speed, updates and security, branding and more. This article will look into each of those factors and help you figure out what kind of site will fit best with your needs while still being affordable — even if it means going without some bells and whistles!


When it comes to website costs, there are two main approaches: cheap and expensive. Cheap can mean anything from free (if you’re willing to put in the work yourself) to a few hundred dollars (if you go with a template-based approach), whereas expensive means something on the order of five thousand dollars or more.

As you might have guessed, one approach isn’t inherently good or bad; rather, it depends on what your goals are for your site. Here’s how we’d recommend approaching each type of website—and why they could both be right for you


  • How long it takes to build the site.
  • How long it takes for the site to be live.
  • How long it takes for the site to be fully functional.
  • How long it takes for the site to be updated and maintained.

Quality & Speed

Quality and speed are two different things. Quality is important for user experience, while speed is important for SEO, but they’re both highly necessary to get right.

Quality can be achieved at any budget: you don’t need to spend a fortune on design or development if you want your site to look or perform well. At the same time, there will always be cheap solutions that provide worse experiences than the more expensive ones. It all comes down to understanding what your priorities are and getting the most bang for your buck in terms of those priorities—and then making sure that your money is going toward achieving them as best as possible!

Speed can also be achieved on any budget: there are plenty of ways for you to speed up your website without breaking the bank (which we’ll cover later). The main thing here is finding ways that allow you to optimize performance without sacrificing quality—and if that means spending more money initially, then so be it!

Updates and Security

Updates are important to keep your website secure, running smoothly, and looking good. Updates are not just for security — they also help make sure your site works well and runs smoothly. Updating a website can be done through both free or paid means (which we’ll discuss later).


Your brand is the first thing that people see when they come to your website. It’s what they see again when they visit over and over again. Your brand makes you unique and memorable, even if it doesn’t include all of the bells and whistles of more expensive sites.

A good brand helps create a positive impression of your business in customers’ minds, which can lead to repeat visits and more sales for you. On the other hand, a bad one can cause potential customers to leave without ever giving your site a second glance!

Duration & Maintenance

When it comes to websites, you don’t just need to think about the cost of building one. You also need to think about how much it will cost to keep the site up and running.

When you’re considering what type of website to create, there are several factors that should be taken into account when making your decision:

  • How long will a cheap or expensive website last?
  • What is the estimated maintenance cost?
  • What happens if something goes wrong with my cheap/expensive website?

If you’re starting from scratch, then choosing something more affordable may not be as big of a deal since there aren’t any previous costs involved (other than time). However, if your business has been in operation for some time now and has already spent money on an expensive site, then switching over could mean losing all those previous investments! That’s why we recommend looking for a middle ground between expensive and cheap – somewhere between $5k-$10k per year depending on what kind of business model works best for both parties involved!

Customer Service

When you’re looking at a website, customer service is one of the things you should pay attention to. It’s important because it can be expensive and is a good sign of the quality of the company behind your website.

Customers want to feel like they are being taken care of and if they don’t get that feeling, they will go elsewhere. A good customer service experience will make them want to come back. They’ll tell their friends about how great your website was or how helpful your support team was when something went wrong.Cheap websites may not have this kind of dedication from their developers because they are working on other projects and not focused entirely on yours. If this is true then cheaper isn’t always better as far as websites go!

It’s important to have a well-functioning, reliable website that looks good.

It’s important to have a well-functioning, reliable website that looks good. A poorly functioning or unattractive site will do more harm than good for your business. That said, you don’t have to spend thousands on a designer and expensive hosting plans in order to get results. You can make your own website for less than $50/month and eventually add additional features as needed (or when budget allows).


The bottom line is that it doesn’t really matter whether you have a cheap or an expensive website. What matters most is that your site functions well and looks good. It should be easy to use, respond quickly and load quickly – all things most people would agree are important when it comes to web browsing experience. The only thing that really matters is the quality of service you receive from whoever creates your website for you. If they’re good enough at what they do then any price point will suffice!

Do you have an interesting Digital Project you would like to start building? Reach out to us, tell us about your project & let’s build it together!


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