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10 Practical Tips That Will Improve Your Online Presence

10 Practical Tips That Will Improve Your Online Presence

Here we present 10 practical tips that will help you improve the online presence of your website, practical tips that, if followed consistently, will bring in a shorter or longer time healthier organic traffic, a ranking superior in searches but also an improved conversion. By conversion or conversion rate, we mean the average number of useful events that occur after 100 visits to the website. These useful events can depend on the specifics of the site: placing an order, sending a message, signing up for a newsletter list, filling out a form, etc.

The order in which I presented these practical tips is random, they are all important and worth considering if you want to have a “healthy” website.

1. Responsive Website

Today, having a responsive website is no longer a plus, it is a necessity. According to the latest statistics, most visits to a website come from mobile devices. Ignoring this audience and presenting them with an outdated website, with a layout designed for the monitor screen, forcing the user to zoom-in/zoom-out continuously, is a very big mistake. In addition, according to an announcement by the giant Google, websites that do not have an optimized version for mobile devices are downgraded in the hierarchy of organic search results performed on such devices.

2. Safety

If you haven’t purchased an SSL certificate for your website yet, don’t waste another minute. It is a relatively small investment that saves you from countless inconveniences. I wrote more information about the need to secure the website in this post.

3. Speed in Answering Potential Clients

A potential client who accesses your website and sends a question or a request for an offer using your contact form, will not have to wait very long for the answer. Even more so if he sent similar questions to several other competing websites. Winning the customer thus becomes a race against time. Allocate daily time for this aspect, respond to requests as quickly as possible, ideally in less than an hour after receiving the message. If you have the possibility, install a live chat tool on your website, in order to get in touch with the customer and answer any questions they may have even when they are on your website. There are many such tools available, some for a fee, but there are also free versions.

4. Optimize the Content of the Website

You would be surprised to see what significant differences there can be between similar versions of the same title or description. The way you formulate the CTA (Call to Action – refers to the call to action on the website, whether it is to buy, download, register or visit a section), the way you place the elements on the page or the colors you use, all can influence the conversion rate. There are very specialized tools to measure the effectiveness of different variants. These experiments, called A/B Testing, are set up in such a way that the traffic is divided equally between the variants. The test is run for a number of days or weeks and at the end, it is retained and implemented as the definitive version, obviously the one with superior results.

5. Integration With Different Social Media Platforms

This should already be a no-brainer; everyone knows how important the company’s presence is on Facebook and other similar platforms. Be consistent, post regularly on all these platforms, and create links in all directions – from the website to these platforms but also from posts to the website. Try to attract your audience to interact through comments and likes. All of them will help in time to increase the traffic on your website.

6. Web Page Loading Speed

The loading speed of the website has become a very important factor lately, a fact confirmed by the importance given by Google to this aspect in the ranking algorithm of pages in an organic search. More tips on how you can optimize your web page for a faster loading, I wrote in this article.

7. Update the Content

Don’t let dust settle on the pages of your website! Add new, relevant content as often as you can. Think about what your potential customers would like to know and write articles that answer these questions. Try to make a habit out of it, write new material every week if possible, or at least once a month. It will bear fruit in time! The benefits are twofold: new, relevant content for your visitors, but also more indexable material for search engines. If you also know how to write your material in such a way that each new article focuses on one keyword, it’s even better.

8. Use Everything Google Provides

Keep your eyes peeled! There are so many valuable tools that you can use, it’s a shame not to benefit from them to the maximum. Register your site in all these tools: Google Analytics – gives you very valuable information about the public that accesses your site, Webmasters Tools – about how your site is perceived by Google, how it is indexed and how it appears in organic searches, My Company on Google – data about your company, location on Google Maps, etc.

9. Keep a Clear & Friendly Structure

You have the best offer and the best price for nothing, if this information is hard to find on your website. Make sure that the main menu is as clear as possible, the elements are not piled up on the page, give up the “boring” sections or find a way to present them, inserted here and there so that the visitor’s experience is as good as possible. Always think that the visitor’s patience is short, he will quickly leave the site if he does not find what he is looking for in the first few seconds. A good indicator in this case is the Bounce Rate from the reports available in Google Analytics.

10. No Broken Links

Make sure that all the links on your website are functional, do not give errors, do not send resources that have become unavailable over time. You can manually check the links on the site, or you can follow the reports in Google Search Console, where you can see the pages that display 404 Not found errors.

We hope these practical tips will be useful to you. If you need help implementing any point from this list of practical tips, please contact us, we can help you.

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